Bennt Bengtsson
Swedish born artist living on the rock. But he also has studios in Switzerland and Sweden. Expressionist abstract painter. Also doing Photography and Sculpture. Visits to studios possible but by prior appointment only.
SUBJECT MATTER - he likes to say "I paint fragments... floating freely in the space of time"
Painting the fragments that remain from the passage of time. (Le passage)... wether it be the remnants of a landscape or a sky seen only yesterday... or painting the remaining fragments of early childhood
Working in the opposite direction from that of an archeologist, who frees layer upon layer in the search of fragments...
Bennt Bengtsson works in the opposite direction... covering up his canvases with layers upon layers with his fragments of time...
( most of his paintings have been in progress for several years )
Bennt Bengtsson has truly developed his own unique language and approach to expressing himself
HIS STYLE - He is an extremely physical painter. Painting fast and bold. Improvising. Yet totally prepared. Attacking his canvases in seemingly erratic outbursts. Leaving distinct traces of his signature style. He usually works in large oils
OTHER TECHNIQUES - Apart from the main medium being oil, Bennt Bengtsson works in any medium that catches his imagination. Regardless of medium, his "language" is ever apparent regardless of which technique he uses. Be it oil, aquarelle, pencil drawings, photography, sculpture or mixed media
SIGNATURE - Bennt Bengtsson signs all his work with his initials (BB)... which also has bear the resemblance of thirteen thirteen ( 13 13 )